(clear sky)
15.35 °C
59.63 °F
pressure: 1016 hpa
humidity: 62%
Find IP address and IP location:
- IP address:
- Country code:
- Country name:
- Region name:
- City:
- Zip code:
- Latitude:
- Longitude:
- Map:
- Timezone:
- GMT Offset:
- DST Offset:
- US
- United States of America
- Virginia
- Ashburn
- 20146
- 39.0395
- -77.4918
- Google maps
- -04:00
How to find the IP address on a computer?
Please select an operating system from below to learn how to find IP address manually.
- click the Start menu button
- click 'Run...' on this menu
- type 'cmd' in the text box
- in the command prompt window type 'ipconfig /all'
- details are displayed for each network adapter
- the 'IP Address' field states the current IP address for that network adapter
- the 'Physical Address' field states the MAC address for that adapter.
*All commands are without the quotes!
- click the Apple logo
- click 'System Preferences' on this menu
- click on 'Network' in the System Preferences panel
- select the network interface (generally this is 'Built-In Ethernet')
- click on the TCP/IP tab
- the 'IP Address' field states the current IP address for that network adapter
- in the 'Ethernet' tab the 'Ethernet ID' field states the MAC address for that adapter.
*All commands are without the quotes!
- go to bash
- type in the '/sbin/ipconfig' command
- the 'inet addr' field states the current IP address for that network adapter
- the 'HWaddr' field states the MAC address for that adapter.
*All commands are without the quotes!
To find out which Operating System you are using visit what is my os website for an automatic online Operatig System detection service.
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